Douglas A4 Skyhawk US Navy Fighetr Weapons School

Esci 1/72  

 The boxart 

The Kit

I started from an old ESCI kit, built more than 30 years ago and was left uncomplete after painting. The paint was not what I expected and I discarded this build for that many years. Then I saw this navy Top Gun aircraft in this gray/ blue scheme and after some research in my decal box, I was confirmed this was one of the scheme of a microscale sheet I had. Only thing was to retrieve all the missing parts, mainly the landing gears and gear doors. All I knew I had somewhere, but the canopy and the windshield. I managed to retrieve a canopy from a similar kit in my spare box, but no windshield. So, the first step in reviving this scooter, was to cast a new windshield.

The real plane that decided me for this build



The paint was removed using oven foam and the aircraft made ready for its new colors. After some efforts it looked like this

Paint are from AK real colors, lighter shading completed with MIG acrylics.

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After the paint job was completed, it was time to apply the decals. Not that many after all, some low viz national insigna and a big red '03'  on the nose. At the same time, the landing gear was completed, except a strut for the steering of the nose wheel which still needs to be scratched.


It s now waiting for the gear bay doors and a canopy

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The arresting hook was painted black and white and set to place. 


Insertion du baquet dans le fuselage et jonction des deux moitiés

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J'ai du glisser des entretoises dans l'épaisseur de l'aile afin de renforcer le galbe et de la faire adhérer au fuselage.


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La peinture

Début de la phase peinture, avec un préombrage de noir dans les lignes de structure, de même que le panneau anti reflet devant le cockpit. L'arête dorsale demande un petit traitement au mastic.

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La peinture continue, le blanc sur les surfaces de contrôle est passé, de même que le rouge sur les becs de bord d'attaque et les entrées d'air. Tout est ensuite protégé en vue du passage du gris sur le dessus. 

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Les décals

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Les finitions

Le modèle est mis sur ses roues, les ailerons sont mis en place de même que les porte de train et les bidons, les derniers détails sont ajoutés.

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Document made with KompoZer Fox One '2020